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‘Represent the badge’

In an ever-changing world how can schools maintain standards of behaviour? Depute: Standards and Ethos at George Heriot’s School, Edinburgh, Matthew Mallinson, discusses his aim for pupils to not see teachers as just teachers but as human beings and how using the concept of teamwork has created positive results in behaviour management.

“Schools are facing an uncertain political and social landscape, and we are not completely aware what the future will hold. However, as we move with the times it is important to remember some strong foundations that we can all implement as communities, to ensure we maintain the high standards we come to expect of young people at school.

From a young age, I was brought up learning to respect people and treat everyone as a human being. I was encouraged to develop ‘soft skills’ and always be willing to listen and engage in conversation. As I sit here now, as a Deputy Head at George Heriot’s, I can see the importance of these skills, not least because I work on them each day with the young people at the school.

The behavioural expectations in the Senior School are built on these foundations. They are clear and rely upon respect and consistency in application…”

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